Epidural and Latching

Brooke • I'm 28, hubby and I have been married for five years and were expecting our first baby! Aria Denise was born 6/3/16.
I was totally fine with the idea of getting an epidural, then I started reading this other book that's totally freakin me out!
They say an epidural could slow delivery, making the possibility of a forceps delivery or c-section more imminent
They also say that the baby could be effected, and may have a harder time latching on for breastfeeding for the first time. 
I was already not to thrilled knowing I'd be stuck in the hospital bed once they started the IV, but these other things are making me second-guess my choice for epidural!
Any of you mommies have a natural birth and an epidural birth? What were the biggest differences? 
I don't want my baby drugged!