

I have been breastfeeding for two months and I still feel like I am not producing enough milk and I also pump two. My baby is also so very fussy after she eats. I listen to her when she eats and I hear when she swallow but I need help please is there any mom's that have struggled with breastfeeding and if there are other alternatives to help increase milk supple.
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She is constantly wet and she only poops maybe one every three days and they are big blow outs. And also what is more milk plus?


Bria • May 21, 2016
but I also supplement too


Frieda • May 21, 2016
Then she's probably fine. You're probably making enough milk.


Posted at
Why do you think she isnt getting enough? Unless she's still constantly asking for food after a feed she's likely fine. The body know what to do, and even if the breasts don't look full they are still often producing plenty 


Posted at
The best indicator on whether baby is getting enough is weight gain and output. Is baby gaining weight? Have plenty of wet and poo diapers? If yes, then you're providing enough, no need to do anything. With that said, try paying attention to when she's the Fussiest... Like after you've had dairy,veggies,etc. And avoid those foods.Pump after you nurse, if you barely get anything then baby is draining your breast appropriately. Pump in the morning when baby is asleep still, pump when baby naps, and once during the night. You can try fenugreek, blessed thistle, mother's milk tea, brewers yeast, lactation cookies, more milk plus, power pumping, etc


Krystina • May 21, 2016
then she's getting just what she needs, no real *need* to do anything. more milk plus comes in pill and tincture form


Bria • May 21, 2016
and I will try all of your suggestions n thanks for your help


Bria • May 21, 2016
She is wet constantly and she may be poops every 3 days and it's a blowout and may I ask what is more milk plus.


Posted at
My son gets super fussy but he swallows a lot of air when he eats which causes gas. We introduced a pacifier to soothe him at 3 weeks and that helped. We also started doing massages to relieve some of his gas. 


Posted at
Do you have a lactation consultant..


07/31/2016 • May 21, 2016
she should be coming to your house and helping you.. and if you feel like you want to switch to formula than you can.. don't let people pressure you. I'm a exclusive breast feeder and I still don't judge formula moms. sometimes it's what's best. you can also look into supplementing with formula..


Bria • May 21, 2016
yes but ever time I call and talk to her she makes me feel like I should stick with it and I kinda feel like I don't want to do it anymore. it has been hard


Posted at
My baby boy was born 2 weeks earlier then my due date. So I didn't have my milk yet. I used Enfamil supplementing formula maybe one or two feedings. I also only did maybe a once of formula and let him nurse of he was still fussy after.You can also pump one breast while letting him nurse on the other. This stimulates both breast for a better milk build up.If he starts to have spit up a lot you can also try Enfamil infant AR. This has helped him with his spit up problem. So if you do introduce formula do a little at a time so it isn't so hard on his stomach since you are breast feeding. 😁 I hope this helps you a little.