Bleeding after sex

Let me just preface this by saying Monday morning I have an oppointment with my OB and Friday as soon as it started I called my OB and he told me not to worry and that bleeding was normal.
HOWEVER, I could really use some reassurance from people who have experienced this before haha.  I am 13 weeks pregnant and have had 2 healthy ultrasounds with a strong heart beat each time and no spotting/bleeding. Last night my husband and I had sex and immediately afterwards when I went to pee there was blood. Not bright red and not a lot but enough it changed the color of my urine in the toilet and wiped red. Afterwards I had some discharge that was light pink but nothing else. No cramping etc. this morning I wiped a little brown (I'm assuming old blood from yesterday) still no cramps, same morning sickness etc. has this happened to anyone else?? Thanks in advance :)