Overstayed welcome 🙁

My boyfriend and I are saving up for a place of our own, but it'll be a few more weeks before we can get it. Moving expenses are so expensive and it takes a little to save up. Till then we have been staying with his mother, who's graciously took us in. But I feel like an outsider almost and I feel like the welcome has been overstayed, for me at least. His mom has mentioned in subtle hints that she didn't want the stay to last any longer and I can completely understand. But its so awkward sometimes when I am left alone with the family and he's gone. I'm just starting a job which will help us out but I also waited getting the job because I had to finish school. Which I feel has made me look like a "bum" because I was just going to school and not working. I was hoping with the news of me getting a job would make everyone feel a little more happier but I feel like it hasn't made a difference in the situation. And with his ex making things more difficult for us (he has a kid with her) I feel like everyone is shifting the blame on me. But I can't control what his ex does, and I have never spoken to her because I want to respect my boyfriend and her family relationship. But this ex literally hates me for no reason. She's been doing everything in her power to makes things difficult and she didn't start doing that till I came in the picture. So I feel like the family thinks if I never came in the picture that my boyfriend and his family wouldn't be put through this strain. So it's just been awkward cause I feel like I'm no help, we have a baby on the way, and I feel like some of the family doesn't like me even though I can't control what an ex  gf does. It's super stressful.