False positive opk???

Last cycle, I came off BC pill after taking the whole pack on 10/15. Af was 3 days 10/10-10/13. I got a positive digital opk on 10/19 which was CD 10. It seemed early but I thought things could have been messed up just coming off the pill. So since I told glow I got a positive opk, it changed my fertile window. We BD every day during the green days. We'll then on CD 18, I got a 2nd positive digital opk. I got excited bc I thought that meant if be getting a bfp. We'll AF showed on 11/12. CD 33 which wasn't too off considering this was my first AF after stopping the pill. We'll looking back on my bbt chart, ( that I started mid cycle last time) the 2nd positive opk must have been right bc that was my lowest temp and 18 days seems more normal than 10. Has this ever happened to anyone??? I was using the regular opk but for this month I bought the kind that flashes. I'm also going to track CM