Not sure what to expect

Ok to be honest I have never TTC before. (I have 2 beautiful daughters but we weren't trying when I got pregnant with them) so now we ARE TTC and I'm not sure what to do! I got my IUD taken out on May 5th. Wasn't having any kind of regular period the whole time I had that. My boyfriend and I had sex the 7th and 8th and on the 9th I passed a very large blood clot and then bled for that morning and then just spotted for the next 2 days. I assume it was built up blood and not an actual period? But I'm not sure. And when I put that into Glow it moved my fertile window a week. But when I put it in another app I have It didn't change my fertile week. But. Here's where I'm torn. I've been having some/several symptoms and want to test but don't know if it's worth it since I'm not sure if I've had my actual period or not (or if I've ovulated since having my IUD out) Since the two apps have AF coming at different times I'm not sure when I should test. Thoughts? Am I crazy and just getting to excited?