Anyone measuring big?

At 7 weeks my lil one was measuring 7weeks, but at 19&6 she was measuring 21&5. So they wanted a follow up in 4 weeks or so. At the follow up ultrasound she was still measuring 2-3 weeks bigger than "normal". They were concerned and kept asking about my glucose test. (That came back perfect..) I'm 5'6" & my hubby is 6'2". 
My first child was 8lbs and my second was 6lbs 13oz, 3 weeks early. My husbands son was 8lb 12oz. I had just always assumed before any ultrasounds that we'd have a big baby.. (We know my dates aren't wrong because I had a miscarriage literally 2 weeks before conceiving this one and all my levels had returned to 0 & there was no baby on the ultrasound).
- long story short I had to switch OBs and this one is a tad concerned too and wants another ultrasound in 2 weeks at my next appointment. He wants to monitor her and induce a week or 2 early if she gets too big. 
(I'm not totally opposed as I don't really want to deliver a 12lb baby, or need a c-section & this doc said he didn't want her too too big cause of the possibility of getting stuck?)