Induction for iugr may 21 2016 at 815 am i was given one tiny pill on my cervix then within 2 hours ...

Induction for iugr may 21 2016 at 815 am i was given one tiny pill on my cervix then within 2 hours I was having strong consistent contractions but only at 2 cm they broke my water at 1230 pm then got an epiderail rested pretty well between 130 to 3 pm then they checked me I was only at 3 cm but had too many contractions to get anything else 345 baby heart rate was dropping with each contraction nurses kept moving me and had to put extra water around him by 415 I was at 6 cm and his heart rate went back to normal by 430 I was at 8cm they called the Dr and dr got there within 10 minutes and 3 contractions later he was here 6 ibs on the dot no nicu no blood sugar or temperature problems