Our baby was born at 41 weeks + 1 day

Our baby was born at 41 weeks + 1 day. My husband was away on business when I went into labor at 3:30am and we rushed to get my hisbabd from Michigan to Texas as fast as possible. I drove myself to the birth center at 3am, leaving my 3 year old with my MIL at our apartment. I labored from 6am-4pm when my husband came. Baby wouldn't drop so I labored until 6am the next day and my midwife decided I had to go to the hospital because the baby wasn't dropping and my contractions weren't working but felt more intense to me. Got to the hospital and was told he was head down but not in the right position and not engaged. He kept moving backwards and I was only 7cm. They gave me an epidural so I could sleep, and pitocin so I could try to move him down. I woke up with a fever and the doctor threatened forceps or a vacuum and I didn't want either so I pushed as hard as I could and got his head out in two pushes. Our beautiful boy was born after 30 hard hours in labor. He had merc in his waters and was having trouble breathing so he had to stay two days in the NICU.