Am I just sick?

I'm praying I'm pregnant. I do take birth control pills, sometimes not at the same time everyday, and I did miss one pill this month. I am 5 days away from my expected period but have been experience PMS cramps which is unusual for me, twitches ache in my stomache, chest pain, gas, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, painful breasts/nipples and the odd case of dizzyness. I have taken a pregnancy test and it came back negative which was dissapointing. But I'm wondering if birth control pills have any effect on that. And also, it was 6 days before my missed periods. The wait to find out if I miss my period is driving me insane. Anyone want to share their thoughts and experiences with me on my symptoms. Could I just be sick? Or is there even a glimmer of hope that I'm pregnant