Hi Nicole,I'm so sorry for your loss. My wife and I have been trying for a little over a year. Funny how when we started this journey I would have never thought it would be this difficult.Our first attempt we did a fresh embryo transfer and we transferred two. Both took and we were pregnant with twins. We were so elated. At 16 weeks my water broke and everything turned upside down. We gave birth to our twins at 16 weeks and 5 days.. I still have them in the tiniest urn on my dresser.. I can't let them go. We decided to try again. We transferred one.. It didn't take. I cried.. So much. All of the money and all of the hope and all of the medication and all of the emotions just ended in nothing. We were heart broken. I told my wife I didn't know if I could go through it again. But we decided one more time. We transferred one frozen embryo. It stuck. At 5 weeks and 5 days I started bleeding. I went to have some testing and an ultrasound and my ob said I was miscarrying. I broke down. I didn't feel like I could do it again, I felt like somehow I am being punished for being gay.. A week later I went in for a checkup with our fertility specialist and ... I'm still pregnant!!!!! Needless to say we got a new ob!I'm now almost 11 weeks and hoping beyond hope that this little one stays put. My progesterone levels keep dropping so I have to stay on injections for an extended period of time but if that's what it takes I'll give myself butt shots every day!I hope your story has a happy ending. I'm choosing to believe there's some reason behind all of the struggle.. Maybe it was just meant to draw us all closer together and learn to lean on each other..My fingers are crossed for you. If you ever need a listening ear, I am here :)-Katie