Need a Friend

🐘 Nicole 🌈

Just looking for someone who understands the struggle of TTC after a miscarriage.

I'm 20 years old. Married for a year on the 30th. We've been together for almost 7 years. I was almost 16 weeks and had a miscarriage in Feb. The loss of our baby broke our hearts and there's just so much I want to talk about with someone who understands.

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Posted at
Hi Nicole,I'm so sorry for your loss.  My wife and I have been trying for a little over a year.  Funny how when we started this journey I would have never thought it would be this difficult.Our first attempt we did a fresh embryo transfer and we transferred two.  Both took and we were pregnant with twins.  We were so elated.  At 16 weeks my water broke and everything turned upside down.  We gave birth to our twins at 16 weeks and 5 days.. I still have them in the tiniest urn on my dresser.. I can't let them go.  We decided to try again.  We transferred one.. It didn't take. I cried.. So much.  All of the money and all of the hope and all of the medication and all of the emotions just ended in nothing.  We were heart broken.  I told my wife I didn't know if I could go through it again.  But we decided one more time.  We transferred one frozen embryo.  It stuck.  At 5 weeks and 5 days I started bleeding.  I went to have some testing and an ultrasound and my ob said I was miscarrying.  I broke down.  I didn't feel like I could do it again, I felt like somehow I am being punished for being gay.. A week later I went in for a checkup with our fertility specialist and ... I'm still pregnant!!!!!  Needless to say we got a new ob!I'm now almost 11 weeks and hoping beyond hope that this little one stays put.  My progesterone levels keep dropping so I have to stay on injections for an extended period of time but if that's what it takes I'll give myself butt shots every day!I hope your story has a happy ending.  I'm choosing to believe there's some reason behind all of the struggle.. Maybe it was just meant to draw us all closer together and learn to lean on each other..My fingers are crossed for you.  If you ever need a listening ear, I am here :)-Katie 


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 1, 2016
*while I was at work. my manager took me to the ER where I found out I had lost my baby. I gave birth the next day cause I was so broken I couldn't stay at the hospital. We went back the next day and they induced me.


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 1, 2016
Thank you. I really appreciate that. At almost 16 wks my water sac started to come out while up was at work


Posted at
I had to be induced in November and deliver my son at 19 weeks because he had anencephaly. It's been really hard to cope. I started ttc end of March and no luck. Went to my doctor and was diagnosed with pcos because of hormone imbalances. He prescribed me letrozole today. Losing a child is the worst pain I think a mother could ever endure. I'm so sorry for your loss.


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 1, 2016
Thank you, you too.


Cortney β€’ Jun 1, 2016
Same here! Good luck to you!


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 1, 2016
I hope it doesn't take us that long. I really want to be pregnant again by or at least in July when I was due. I'm praying this cycle we've conceived.


Posted at
Totally understand. Im 37 got three great children. Found out I was pregnant (wasn't trying then) started to make plans went along to my 12 week scan this January to discover I was more like 16 weeks. There's your baby's heartbeat. Then the dreaded silence. " im just going to get a doctor" got referred to another hospital to be told I had to terminate my son. Hes never far from my thoughts. So I so understand im actually welling up just writing this.


Kirsty β€’ Jun 15, 2016
I'm so sorry 😿


Samantha β€’ May 23, 2016
I will try and get his scan picture on.


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ May 23, 2016
What was wrong? If you don't mind me asking


Posted at
I gave birth to my 17wk old boy on the 14th may 2016. He had passed away.. There was no found reason just one of those things.. We have 4 kids already and another angel we lost at 9wks 6 years ago.  Its been tuff but im waiting to start trying again after i have a period .. Im happy to talk to u :) xx  


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 1, 2016
Thank you. And I hope everything works out for you as well.


Carmen β€’ Jun 1, 2016
Goodluck hun , i ll be keeping a eye on u lol ❀️


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 1, 2016
Yes same I am in TTW now and praying we've conceived. I feel like I've done a good job of not be stressed this cycle and staying positive. Trying not to psych myself out either at the littlest thing so hopefully I can stay strong to it.


Posted at
I understand I have had two miscarriages within the past year and a half. Make sure you talk to your husband as it impacts them in a way we as women don't understand. I'm glad my husband and had tat conversation and I found out he thinks of our babies just as much ad I do. It gets easier but you never are now a #mommieofanangel


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 3, 2016
Yes I do. I pray everyday for myself in both the women on here trying and in the world. I know we serve a powerful God and that we had to go through this for a reason. But all I've ever wanted was to get married at 19 and have a baby while I was young. I got married at 19 and I did have my first baby at 20. I just pray He will answer our prayers and we'll have our second baby within the next year.


Tish β€’ Jun 2, 2016
thats definitely blessed stay encouraged keep the faith...our rainbow babies are in the way by the grace of God...believe in him for that and it will be yours


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 2, 2016
Yes we've talked about if but it's just not the same as talking with a woman. He understands but he's not an emotional guy, I can read him but others usually can't.


Posted at
I'm sorry for the loss of your baby. It is very painful to that little person we have hoped  and dreamed of...My husband and I have been married for 8 years but together for almost 16 years. We had been ttc for over 2.5 years when we finally found out I was pregnant. We were so happy and my pregnancy was going fine or so I thought. On March 20, 2016 our baby girl was born. I was 21 weeks 5 days pregnant. Our princess was alive for a couple of hours and then became an angel. I miss her every day πŸ˜” ... As time passes I am less emotional but I will never forget my baby. I was due in July so as it approaches it makes me more emotional. We have not ttc yet but hope to start next month or in August. I hope that it doesn't take us too long this time to get pregnant with our rainbow. I hope that you get that positive test soon and that you are blessed with a happy and healthy 9 months once you do. Hang in there and don't lose hope. I'm here if you ever want to chat. 


Nancy β€’ Dec 24, 2016
Thank you Ashley for your sharing your story and for your kind words. Congratulations on your babies! Wishing you and your baby boy a full recovery.


Ashley β€’ Dec 23, 2016
after an extremely difficult and high risk pregnancy. he's gone through a lot since he was born including an abdominal/bowel surgery but he is here and we are both healing slowly but surely. o have faith that you ladies will be okay and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Ashley β€’ Dec 23, 2016
wow you ladies are so strong I am sorry for the loss of your babies but I know there is still hope. I have sickle cell disease and was told I wouldnt be able to conceive and after 2 miscarriages (one at 13 weeks and one at 16) I gave up hope. I ended up getting pregnant with my daughter Kennedy and was immediately admitted to the hospital with drs telling me that they were basically waiting for me to miscarry and I'd never make it to 20 weeks. I was hospitalized for 6 months on strict bedrest, attached to monitors 24/7. I was terrified everytime the alarm bells would go off and her heart rate would decrease or they couldn't trace her. I never expected to make it through the pregnancy I spent most of my time terrified another miscarriage was in my near future but on Oct. 26, 2009 I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl and just a little over a week ago me and my hubby were blessed with Kallan a beautiful baby boy


Posted at
I've had three miscarriages now one at 9 weeks one at 8 weeks and this most recent was a chemical pregnancy I completelyyyyy understand the pain n loss you feel. Are you trying again soon? Did you find out the cause of your miscarriage? My condolencesπŸ˜£πŸ™


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ May 23, 2016
The doctor believed it was because our baby was born with some of the organs on the outside. We started TTC in April unofficially but have now started officially.


Posted at
Hey, I'm sorry to hear about your lost. I personally have miscarried before. There is truly no words that can explain the hurt and disappointment when you lose a child. My heart goes out to you. I pray one day we are able to feel the joy or motherhood (pregnancy) again.


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ May 23, 2016
Thank you. Me too. I find myself praying for it so often for myself and others now too.


Posted at
My son bobby lee. As on his scan his tummy has a mass. As they said. He has a blockage in his bladder and dilated kidneys because of it.


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ May 31, 2016
Sorry I never got a notification of a response. I've been with my husband for almost 7 years. But yes it does I still have so many emotions and have been thinking a lot lately of how badly I wish my baby was still here and how different my life would be.


Samantha β€’ May 23, 2016
and im sorry for you to hun. you know when you have something taken away. it makes you want it all the more. ive been with my partner for 9 years and were now ttc. so all the luck to you hun. thats truely from the heart. if you need a chat im here. xx


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ May 23, 2016
O I'm so sorry. My baby was born with some of the organs outside the stomach so they believe that is why I miscarried


Posted at
Hi Nicole, Me and husband have been mArried for three years been together for a total of 13 years! We just experienced our miscarriage in April it was one of the most hardest things I have Ever had  to go through. I can relate with you completely . I found comfort in talking to other women that have gone through the some experience. It's OK to be sad it's part of the process . That baby willAlways be a part of you and your husband no matter what. Just know that you are not alone 


🐘 Nicole 🌈 β€’ Jun 1, 2016
Thank you. There's a few people I've talked to that have had miscarriages but it's different for everyone and they just get busy which is fine. Just sometimes would be nice to still be able to talk to someone. I do think about my baby everyday and cry sometimes but not as much as I did before (I try to stay positive and happier now that we're TTC again) Sorry for your loss.