I consider myself Christian. How do i get closer to God? Please help!

Jaclyn • Realtor. Wifey. Lucky Lady.

When i was younger, i went to church almost every sunday. I was raised christian, and still identify as a christian. I believe that God is real and that Jesus died on the cross to save us...

However, no matter how hard I try... i feel no connection to God as other christians do. When people say "i love God wholeheartedly" and "God has blessed me with ____" and feel his warmth and love.... i dont feel any of that. I of course want to, but i dont.

My mom says that I need to pray more, and especially have more faith... but it is VERY hard for me. Especially faith. I believe that we, as humans, set up our own fate and things happen based on how we live our lives.... God won't save a Christian from homelessness and other problems (my mom is homeless and she basically believes with God everything will work itself out.... its been 5 years of her being homeless)

How come i feel no connection with God? I have NEVER. Im 26 years old. I even asked someone at a group in church and they said not to worry... but i worry.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is it a big deal... or... am i in trouble? Even though I believe in God and I accept him in my heart, is that good enough to go to heaven? Am i "saved"? Any advice out there for me to feel closer to God? Im just so baffled at this. :(

Btw, i work on Sundays, so i can no longer go to church :(