Should I be feeling this way?

Michelle ★★★ • My Rainbow Baby is here! healthy and strong!

Ok. I haven't been this pregnant in 13 1/2 years so I am a little fuzzy on the memory area lol. I never thought I would be asking for advice but my doctor's office is taking so long to call back. My ob/gyn is on vacation this week so I am waiting on his back up.

Anyway, I am 19w3d. Yesterday I suffered from a major headache all day that i couldn't control at all. This morning, my hands and feet were very swollen. My hands were so bad that I couldn't write with my pen comfortably and my feet and ankles were so bad that with each footstep, it felt like they would pop. I called the office, reminded them that with my first two children, i had pre eclampsia and i am on alert. She took my info and said a dr will call me. That was this morning and although my hands feel better, they are still bad. I have cut all salt from my diet when i found out i was pregnant due to my history of pre eclampsia and i have had my feet elevated all day. Should i be concerned thia early? Is swelling supposed to be this bad this soon?

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