Dealing with a Pregnant Family Member

So like many of you, I have been struggling with difficulties maintaining a pregnancy - not to get into all those details as we all know them. Anyway, suffice it to say this is something my close family are aware of and up until now have been pretty supportive and understanding. I lost a pregnancy last year that had I carried, my baby would have been due in the next month. So it's been an emotional time for me needless to say. 
Last Friday, my husband and I, along with my sister and best friend, took my mother out for dinner for her birthday. At the end of the meal, my mom started talking (in front of everyone) about some test results I had received that day that my progesterone levels were normal. She said "so I guess you've had a good day then? Let me show you something."
So I look down at her phone and see a picture of my younger brother holding an "awesome dad" tshirt and onesies. He just got married a month ago and it took a minute for it to hit me what she was showing me. She then said "I told them you would eventually be excited to be an aunt and not to worry about it. They weren't planning for this and I told them I'd tell you tonight so they can start telling everyone and not have to hide it for you." She was beaming looking at her phone. I get it. This is her first grandchild and I'm happy for her. But I was offended at her comment and of course I was taken off guard so I immediately burst into tears. She then said "now it isn't fair but..." at which point I just couldn't hear anymore. I made my apologies and left before I embarrassed myself any further in public.  I am incredibly happy for them and excited to be an aunt...but incredibly sad that people who aren't even trying have all the luck. But anyway...all weekend I have now been getting family texts of grandfather clocks, pregnancy books, nausea updates, etc. and it just devastates me each time and I am so tearful all day now. I can't handle it yet. And when I say something (not to them directly of course) it is implied I am being selfish and need to think of other people and not ruin their joy with my own bitterness. Which I understand and have congratulated them and put on my best game face. But I can't take the minute by minute updates of an event I have so wanted for myself for so long. 
Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions that worked well with your family? Where you don't seem selfish but still made them understand you just need some distance from it?
Thanks for any advice!! <3