Mick was due May 16 and by May 19, still no baby

Elizabeth • Maternity story- two early miscarriages (6 & 7 weeks) but third times a charm...proud mama to sweet baby boy, Mick 💙💙
Mick was due May 16 and by May 19, still no baby! We went in for induction the afternoon of the 19th and started cytotec to try to get my cervix opening (had only softened at that point...no dilation). We tried three rounds of cytotec along with pitocin and after 20 hours of labor with no dilation, we had to have a c section. We tried everything to delivery vaginally but my little guy came out at 9 pounds so it would have been a miserable/dangerous delivery...the section was actually a blessing! Mick came out with a full head of hair and a rockin set of lungs. He is just perfect and I love him so much!!