These contractions are killing me! 😫

Braxton hicks, that is. Or at least I think. I had them for 24 hours a straight, 5-10 mins apart the day before yesterday. It's late afternoon now and they're back, 4 mins apart. Coming with some lower back pain and lots of pelvic pressure. 
I'm sure it's not preterm labor. They don't hurt, they don't get more intense. They just. Won't. Go. Away. 
I was in L&D yesterday and I guess everything looked good. They picked up a couple on the monitor but then they couldn't detect them anymore. 
So OBVIOUSLY these are just Braxton hicks. But I'm going insane. So uncomfortable, so breathless. This is my 2nd and I think I did have some prodromal labor with her, but not until 36 weeks. I'm only 34+4. 
I can't do this for 6 more weeks. I just can't. 😭 With an almost 2 year old and a pretty packed schedule for the next few weeks, I don't know. The contractions leave me feeling so weak and out of breath and with so much back pain that I'm useless to her. I'm so glad my husband was able to take care of her for me yesterday (unfortunately not the house 😂. I laugh but seriously...) 
Anyone have any tips to ease these? I've tried everything that Google suggests and none of it works 😑
I hate to complain. But seriously. Another month and a half of this? No way.Â