Sometimes I feel like I'm about to lose my shit!

Cori • Momma of 6 amazing kids! 5 Boys, 1 girl
So, I am feeling really bad right now. Please no judgement, especially if you don't have teenage boys who think they know everything. My sixteen year old picks on and picks on and picks on my 6 year old until he has him screaming! Today at dinner, I told him to please stop. For one my 6 year old isn't feeling great amd for two he's freaking 16, act a little bit more mature! Well, he proceeded to pick on him, took his 20.00 bill his daddy gave him last night. All this, just to hear him scream. I lost my shit on my teenager. I don't "spank" just personal choice. But, I definitely screamed, which I am not proud of. So, he's outside cleaning up dog poop and mowing the yard! This is seriously driving me crazy! Sorry I just needed to vent. My teenagers totally stress me out!!!