TWW Dreams

Athina • Just got married in March 2015. Trying for baby #1! I am 30, SO is 31.
Every single month, around this same part of my cycle (about 1 week into the TWW) I have a dream, or several dreams that I get a BFP. Last night I had one of those dreams, and in the dream I told everyone I knew except my husband because I was waiting to surprise him, but I woke up before I got a chance to, and it made me really sad... 😔 Waking up after one of those dreams always makes me sad, but this time it was worse. I was in total shock that it wasn't real. Does anyone else have these dreams? Is it just because it's consuming me, or because I really want it? Or is it the hormones that are normally released around that time? Obviously it isn't because I am actually pregnant since it has happened almost every month for the last (at least) 6 months, and still trying. I don't know. It's just weird...