Missing period..


Hi ladies, I really need your input.

I am so confused and don't know what to do. My periods are usually very regular. However, my last period was April 10. I am currently over 2 weeks late!!! I experienced some light spotting last night (thinking that it was finally coming on). This morning there is nothing there!!! Not even a stain...!!! I have been taking pregnancy tests ( blue dye, pink dye, and digital) since a few days after I missed it..all negative!!!! I am extremely bloated and experiencing a myriad of pregnancy symptoms. I scheduled a gyn visit but, it won't be until June 1st.!!! Please give me your inputs. Has anyone ever experienced this before and it resulted in a pregnancy, or something different altogether...? My fiancé, and I would gladly welcome a baby right now. I just am so confused as to what may have caused this.