How to turn a baby who is transverse (sideways) at home.

Ann • Baby #1 due January 2015
I had to share this because it is just so amazing. I am 33 weeks pregnant and my baby has been transverse(sideways). I was informed of this after a ultrasound. Well since 30 weeks I have been very uncomfortable. I wake every hour, I'm out of breath all the time and my pelvis hurts if I walk across the room. Well I asked my dr about it and she told me the baby would turn on its own and not to worry about it. I'm taking prenatal yoga from a doula so last night I asked her what I can do. She told me to lay on my back with my hips elevated and to ice my belly where his butt is to encourage him to move. I didn't think it would work but within 10 minutes of putting the bag of frozen corn on my belly I felt him move. Immediately my belly looked and felt differently. I can sleep, I can walk without huffing and puffing and best of all I can sleep!!!! Only woke up twice last night. So if anyone else is having problems with a transverse baby try this. It really works.