Braxton Hicks vs Cramps

So I have been under a lot of syress this week. Early in the week I noticed discomfort and cramping similar to the first trimester when I wouldn't drink enough water... Like achey cramps. Then Thursday morning I had some sharp cramps (2-3) that lasted anywhere from 30-90 seconds that were more like my old endometriosis, deep breath cramps. Now tonight I have had multiple episodes of this tightening in my lower abdomen/uterine area. They don't hurt they just feel strange but my abdomen becomes hard. I read the description of Braxton Hicks but as a FTM I am a lil lost. Are the ones tonight hicks or the painful ones the other day? And should I be concerned with the tightening ones tonight or can it wait to be discussed with my doctor on Tuesday? Advice appreciated!