Why do people like cats?

Im just curious... They have wicked instincts and there's no talking to them/training them, youre lucky if thy even know their own name. They spray everywhere, shed everywhere and are known for being absolute self centred, entitled assholes. I got my first cat over a year ago and i try so hard to love him and cuddle him and he runs when i enter the room, he only wants comfort/petting when he feels like it and on his terms, in my opinion that's not companionship. I literally pull hairs out of my underwear, my clothes are COVERED, i break my back everyday hoovering up our black sofa for an hour and 25 minutes, he gets the best dry food on the market, he has a bigger bedroom than me and my fiance and a closet we turned into a little cave with shelves and climbing shit (its pretty cool), he is spoiled rotten because he's an indoor cat. I got a puppy i have wanted for years just 3 weeks ago and i have never been so damn happy, she nearly pisses herself to see me, she learns new things every single day, i can interact with her and she knows whats going on, she's brought me more happiness than a cat ever could. She wants comfort all the time i guess you could say she's needy but its so worth it, i invest everything into my animals and the only thing i get in return is my dogs love, her whole day is made just by my existence, her love is unconditional its great!!! damn i will never get a cat again😂😂 so what is your reason for loving cats???