Postponing Engagement


Hey ladies. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. I'm 19 and he's 20. In the recent months we've seriously talked about getting engaged...soon. Like really soon. We both are beyond committed to each other and the plan for the future is a wedding the summer after my college graduation (I'm currently a sophomore and he's a junior). Anyway I've been over the moon excited for proposal to happen to the point where I haven't been able to get my mind off of it...but today, the plans changed. We ended up having a very deep conversation where I ended up expressing that I have serious fears that we won't be taken seriously because we're so young. He said he wants our engagement to be perfect, so if I feel that way, maybe it would be worth it to wait a bit. Long story short, I ended up deciding it would be better to wait a year.

What am I waiting for? I'm conflicted. Is this the right choice? I feel truly sad about having to wait even longer, but maybe it's worth it. Please comment!