Irritated with my mom

Rheonna • 24, Rainbow baby, think, speak, be positive is my motto
Maybe it's my hormones idk but my mother has been a real jerk to me... I'm on bed rest until further notice and she has been taken care of me I didn't ask her to she gave her own services well now I've been feeling the hate!! My fiancé works but when he comes home he makes sure to take over will go get me what I need from the store etc... Well I guess that's not enough for her and she just told me he's worthless and I sure did pick a good one I don't understand I don't need the stress I have enough going on and feeling like I'm being a burden because i have to have people do things for me idk I'm to the point where I just wanna cut my mom off but I know I don't have any other help besides my fiancé