L&D for third time

Liz • mommy to two beautiful girls
First two times were for lab work since my clinic was about to close, the downside of needing late appts due to work schedule. Blood pressure a little high, some protein found in one if my urine tests, but all blood work is great, so no preeclampsia. This morning I woke up, stretched, and felt what I thought was my water breaking. Big gush, so I went potty, then I laid back down for half hour, got up, and more clear fluid leaked down my leg, all while I was still wearing a pad. Fluid was all clear and odorless. Went to L&D, they did a test, and apparently it was not my water. So I've been at home resting ever since, and still leaking this clear fluid! I'm so frustrated. Not in a huge hurry for baby to come but would like to know what's going on. I'm 38w5d and measuring 2 weeks ahead. Dilated 1.5cm, more than half-way effaced, and cervix is very soft and way up front and ready to go. Wtf. Just sick of l&d trips only to be let down, setting up care for my 8 year old stepdaughter (for before/after school) only to come back home 2 hours later. My whole body hurts,my hips and pelvis are in just pure agony. I want my baby here and to stop the guessing game. Sorry I had to vent. I cant really talk to anybody else right now because I don't feel like anybody I know gets it. I just get told to "relax" but it's weighing on me. I try to relax but all I end up doing is dwelling on how I am just stuck waiting.