Dr said

I'm not dialated at all but my cervix is soft-which she said is good. I'm relieved I'm not dialated at all, though, at almost 37 weeks because I have to defend my dissertation next Friday-she told me good luck and that she didn't have a fear I would go into early labor :) 
in other news that cervix check really hurt :( she was gentle but I think it's just how I'm built, it felt the same as a pap to me...and usually I bleed after those for a few days :(  my hubs told me to get used to get used to it because she would be doing that more often and I told him I knew that but hated it ha! 
In other other news I measured at 35 weeks, she said that was normal-but that seems odd to me when I've always measured the week I was in or a week ahead...