Where do I go from here?

Yesterday I woke up bleeding. I called the nurse line and went straight to the emergency room even though the app told me "spotting is normal" I just didn't want to chance anything. They did an ultrasound and blood work and made me drink water till I was doubled over in pain because I had to pee so bad and then a vaginal ultrasound. When the finally let me go pee my "spotting" was a gush of blood I thought I would clog their toilet if I put even one more tissue in there. Then they did it again. More water just to have another ultrasound followed by me getting to pee again this time when I sat down my legs were stained red with blood all the way down to my knees. They then did another vaginal ultrasound followed by me sitting in the room for a long time crying by myself (they wouldn't let my husband be with me except for a few minutes between the second and third ultrasound) only to say "the technician had to get a second opinion and they decided there was no life" they handed me a paper that said "incomplete miscarriage" and said if I bleed heavily to come back and showed me the door... Where do I go from here? I am so lost and upset and I don't know what to do besides sit here and cry what should I expect to happen to my body? I don't know where to turn to for answers... Yesterday I was 11 weeks and 2 days today I am nothing