What could this pain be?

I am 28 weeks 4 days pregnant and I was laying on my left side when suddenly I got a very sharp pain in my hip I was laying on. It only lasted for about a split second then went away so I figured it was baby on a nerve. I tried to sit up about 5 minutes later and could barely do so because my left hip was in so much pain. I went to the restroom which was hard for me to walk to and sit down in because of the amount of pain I have in my left hip (sharp pain). Once I stood and tried to walk I literally had to take baby step and atleast 1-2 minute breaks between each step before proceeding back to my bed. (Btw when I wiped I had a small streak of pink discharge). Baby seems to be moving fine but I'm still in a lot of pain and Ts unbearable when I walk. I'd hate to go to the ER because they always say everything is normal and ok even when I'm in intense pain... Has anyone had this before?