For those pregnant with twins - past or present..

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
In early pregnancy, did you feel like you had two implantation spots at all? I know you'd have to be really in tune to your body but..
I have normal cramps, and then I have two pinpointed areas that just continue to pinch in the exact same spot every time. I have rather high progesterone which may not mean anything but considering my progesterone in first pregnancy was barely above 20, with help from supplements - and this time I'm without supplements, 4w and level of 52.. I'm proud of my lady bits/body but I wonder if there's a reason why. Concentrating on these two needle-dot areas has me theorizing it could be twins. 
I know progesterone can be high by indicating that both ovaries released an egg - not necessarily that both are fertilized... So who knows. 
Did you feel two little peanuts implantation a in early pregnancy at all.. ? Is that even possible? I'm 4w4d so it'll be a while til first u/s. Daydreaming is fun though. 😊 
Thanks in advance!