My 3 month old suddenly HATES being in the car!

My daughter will be 3 months on the 9th and until last week she loved car rides. Being in the truck or car used to sooth her. She used to sleep anywhere we went! Now she screams after being in a vehicle for more than 2 minutes. :( it breaks my heart. She does this even though she's fed and changed and has toys to entertain her, I've tried sitting in back with her, binkies, music and singing and nothing helps! I feel like we can't go anywhere now because I'm scared she's going to cry and scream the entire time! I can't handle listening to her in distress like that, she's such a sweet happy baby and never cries that hard any other time. It's not an issue with her carseat, she calms right down and will sit peacefully in her carseat when I take her out of the vehicle. Why did she suddenly change?? She used to do so good in the car. I don't know what to do. Suggestions??