Hello! I'm 34w/3D. I've been having contractions a lot recently and I'm currently on Procardia to keep them at bay. I still get them through the medicine but not as frequent as they were (they thought I was having the baby. 2 minute long contractions every 30 seconds or so. I've been having a lot of pelvic pressure. (This is where it gets TMI) Today I have pooped like 4 times. Started off constipated, then I had softer stool, then basically diarrhea. Then pebbles again a few hours later, then a massive soft pooh just now. I had some green looking discharge yesterday. Just a little that I assumed was maybe part of my mucus plug? And today in the MIDDLE of church service I felt something wet and I went to the bathroom and I had a huge puddle of white discharge in my panties. Baby hasn't been moving AS much today but he has still been moving. He has dropped. A 3 weeks ago I was in the hospital (for the contractions) and they did a FFN test  which was negative, but I was 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. They put me on bedrest and said to take it easy until delivery. I've been taking it easy. They let me off bedrest but still won't let me do a lot. Went back last week for contractions and I wasn't as dilated or effaced. Then went back a few days ago and I was 1cm again and 75% effaced. I feel like I'm having signs that labor is coming soon. Especially because I get really bad lower back pain with each contraction. But my water hasn't broke (and I know sometimes it doesn't) but I also know only having 5 weeks left he could easily come any day but also these things I'm expereincing are things that occur in the last few weeks of the third trimester. Just wanted to know what anyone else had experienced and what your thoughts were. Currently putting together a hospital bag just in case. Last week they did another FFN which was negative but I know that just means I most likely won't have him within the next 2 weeks. But I've had a few very stressful moments recently that caused me to have a fit of contractions I'm just worried and wondering what I should look out for. Thank you!