Kendra • My name is Kendra and I am a full time sales person, along with being a full time mother and wife. I am very blessed, but tired as well. I'm28 hubby 36. Took us5 yrs to concieve our son.
I'm a 28 year old female whom had my first baby in December 2015 after 10 years of trying. I was finally convinced that my worth her was more than i had thought and i could finally have that happiness that i had been searching for all along. After also marrying the man of my dreams in 2015, i was finally ready to start my little family off. Since I am already in my late 20's the plan was to wait til my son was six months old and we were going to try again. Until, I find out today that my cycle is irregular ((44days on usual)) which is making me infertile. Not fully infertile just makes it harder to concieve, which is why it took me ten years the first time. And I just realized.. .I DON'T HAVE TEN YEARS LEFT!! Beyond heartbroken. To that, I will promise all the love in the world to my miracle baby!