AF 6/3, 4th round 100mg Clomid

Samantha • •Living in wondrous chaos💞 •Mama to Isaac (8) && Vayda (2)

Any other ladies doing their round of Clomid right now or about to?!? We're TTC #2 and so far its been stressful and whatnot. It took me 3 years to get pregnant naturally with our son and for #2 I'm terrified it'll take just as long...

I took my second day of pills today! My AF was 6/3 and I'm taking mine days 3-7 because the Clomid causes me to ovulate later and I can't stand starting AF at 11dpo so I'm switching it up from days 5-9 to 3-7! Hopefully it works!

This round my hubs and I have decided for me not to use opks this month and just enjoy each other rather than have that "we HAVE to have sex" kinda vibe and pressure, ya know? I feel the lack of stress from testing will ultimately help us get pregnant faster! Stress= Lower chances of conceiving so we're just going to be romantic and love on each other every other day and hope for the best!

I'm going to start testing on 6/28 and am crossing my fingers that AF won't arrive on 6/3!

If anyone else is going through the same thing or something similar please by all means share and we'll support one another this month!! Xoxo