Crazy hormones :))) 5 weeks 5 days

Alexandra • Hi💛 I am a proud SAHM of two beautiful little girls ages 7 and 6 and a beautiful 6 month old baby boy ☺💛. Love the community here!
So I was just telling my husband last night how I haven't had any weird vivid dreams yet - well I spoke too soon! Had 3 super weird dreams back to back last night😂😂😂 In one some guy at a store grabbed my boob from behind and I was so pissed, I pointed him out to my hubbs but instead of beating this nasty pervert guy he made him a nice dinner outside ??? So then I wanted to hurt him 😂 The second dream was something about a time machine and we ended up with dinosaurs and deer and I was upset no one was being very proactive in a way to get things back the way they were lol and the last one I lived in some poor community with this other young girl that looked a lot like me and it was by an ocean cliff. We we're really pretty and had nice round butts and all the guys liked us so we had to always be careful...!?!?! Also I have mild nausea and the burps this morning and my boobs look swollen and everything stinks!😁 yei symptoms!✊💛