Child support and self employment

I'm speaking with my lawyer tomorrow but I am so worked up over this.

I divorced 3 years ago. Ex is licensed in a skilled trade and was making good money. I worked full time also.

When we went to court , the week before he asked his employer to cut his pay and was then conveniently laid off a few days before court.

He never found another job, buy instead started his own business.

I know what he is capable of making. It's a lot compared to what he claims and what his life style suggests . I know he works under the table.

He goes months without making payments and always has an excuse.

I live with my fiance, both of our kids from previous relationships and our baby. I work part time and as needed, but mostly care for the kids. I'm not being lazy by not working more.

In this scenario would e be able to reduce what he is paying? He used to make like 60k a year and now says it's 18k. I'm wondering if his income would be imputed because he is definitely capable of working more.

I understand child support is for the child. That's where the money goes. I dont spend it on myself...