How would you react?


I read an article written by a woman about an awkward situation she encountered involving her elderly friend. She states the friend, Kathleen, was a house guest after she gave birth (I guess to help with caring for the baby?). She walked out into the living room late one night and saw Kathleen with her breast in HER baby's mouth! She said she felt like she had seen something she "shouldn't have seen". She felt awkward and disturbed, but Kathleen said, "[The baby] seemed fussy and I felt this would soothe her". The mother let it go despite internal dialogue that she felt uncomfortable. Even after walking in on Kathleen half-naked a different day "dry-breastfeeding" her baby AGAIN. She brought it up to her husband and they both were afraid to say how creeped out they were. Until Kathleen's stay was over, then they both confided in each other that the elderly woman letting their baby suck on her nipple was definitely uncomfortable. Particularly because she didn't ask first.

I felt violated and disturbed reading this story. I think it's one thing to "wet-nurse", but for some other woman to place her nipple in your baby's mouth for the purpose of soothing and because it's a trip down memory lane (Yes, Kathleen said that), I feel is very disrespectful; family friend or not. I got the impression that if this mother hadn't walked in on Kathleen that she'd have let the baby suck on her breast her entire stay and would have left without ever mentioning it to the parents...*shivers*. THAT is creepy to me!

Please, share your insights, concerns, etc.