To be or not to be my boyfriend?!?

Hi ladies,
I need some real advice about a boyfriend problem...
I've been dating a guy long distance for a year. I just recently moved to be closer to him. He's a virgin and I'm definitely not ha. I am in no way trying to take his virginity because I value his religious beliefs and I think him being a virgin is really beautiful and of course his choice. My boyfriend is incredibly kind and handsome and I am definitely in love with him and all that other cheesy stuff. Buuuuuuut, the physical part of our relationship isn't there. We only make out if I initiate it and there is little to no hand holding or arms around each other or any of that? Other than that, everything is perfect! I've talked to him about it before. I've told him how much I need it even just a little, and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I feel unattractive and unloved...
What should I do? Is that a deal breaker red flag? Or do you think it could get better? Should I bring it up again? It's really bothering me. I don't have any friends in this new city and some nice physical love from my boyfriend would make this a lot better...