Is it Vaginal Discharge or Something More?

Okay, considering some things I've seen on here, I'm going to hope this isn't tmi!!😂 Since yesterday I've noticed twice, what seems to be white discharge on my vaginal area. When I go to whipe it off, it's not stickey or gooey, but it kinda crumbles off? Omg this sounds horrible, but it's not that disgusting I swear! There's no smell to it either. On the daily log on here I checked that I had white discharge and it explained that it was cervical mucus, so maybe? Has anyone experienced something like this before? I just had Nexlanon inserted last Friday (if that has anything to do with it) and I'm only sexually active with my bf and we still use condoms as well, so I feel like the chance of an sti is extremely low, but I am aware that anything can happen.Â