So I don't know what I should do

Back in April me and my child's father hooked up. In May I found I was pregnant. So since I couldn't find a sweet way to say it I just bluntly told him "I'm pregnant ". Now he's saying that he was told years ago that he can't have kids. An asked if I slept with someone else 2months before him. ( which don't make sense to me, since he was the last one I've slept with) so I told him no, when I found out I pregnant I was 4wks and 2days which added up to him. We never left each other's side unless I went to work. Now he's want a DNA test. He's afraid that I'm gonna put him on child support. I made up my mind long before I got pregnant ( Back in 2013) i wasn't going to do that. He wont eveb go to dr appointments. But is saying if it comes back as his baby he'll step up and be a daddy. The way I see it a DNA test shouldn't make you step up and be a daddy. You knew we had relations and you know this is your kid. We've been talking since April, 13th of 2016 up to May, 23rd of 2016. My lmp was April, 23rd of 2016. An I found out on the day he started to distance himself from me which was on the 23rd of May. Every once in a blue moon he check on me. I know that's short period of time, but we already knew each other.