Sad Rant ?

🌺 Amanda • 29 years old, pregnant with #2. Married for 2.5 years with a 2.5 yr old and 2 dogs. Life is good 👍🏻
So I have been dreading telling my mom about being pregnant. I will be 12 weeks on Friday. I'm 26 and my SO is 35. We've been together for 4.5 years but aren't married. She is very judgmental and old fashioned and I knew she wouldn't approve. When I finally told her today I broke down crying because I hate to disappoint her and I knew she would be. It's so sad because I had wanted to tell her on Thanksgiving because my SO and I are very happy and thankful for this baby but I was afraid of "ruining" Thanksgiving. ? The small ray of sunshine is that I told my brother and he was overjoyed, talking about being an uncle and how spoiled our kid would be ?. Also after I came home crying we called my SO's mom and she was super happy and excited for us ?. I just wish my mom could be supportive and happy for us!!!