Anyone else's husband get laid off from oil and gas, and turned into a lazy ass?

My husband was laid off from a great oil and gas career over one year ago. Thank goodness I have a great job that pays the bills. I know it's a hard thing to go through being laid off, so I was understanding when he took time for himself. The problem is, it's been a year and he's become lazy! Sleeps in until 11/12 every day, then goes to his cigar lounge all day. Doesn't help around the house (maybe he'll vacuum every other month). I work a full time job (luckily from home), cook, clean, pay the bills, basically everything while he does what he pleases. I try talking to him but he blows up at me and calls me names. He comes up with job ideas that sound great, but they never happen. He'll work random jobs with his friend once a month but that doesn't help at all. It's spent on alcohol and cigars. I love him, but I can tell you right now if he was this way before I married him I wouldn't have. I'm starting to resent him and it's so stressful. Anyone going through something similar?