So apparently he DOES want a baby!

I was talking to my hubby last night about getting on birth control because I feel like a baby would be too much stress on us, especially him considering he is 47 and talks a lot about retiring, buying a yacht, and going where ever we please but to my suprise he told me that once we get our house built and he gets his captains license back he wants a baby with me! 
He has a 22 year old son with his ex wife and he said he feels like he failed being a good father while Zak was growing up because he wasn't in love with his ex wife and was young and wild and not ready to settle down. I am just worried that it may be too late now. He will be 66 when our child turns 18 if we have one. He has Hep C and I'm terrified that he is going to come down with liver cancer or something horrible. I don't feel like it would be fair to potentially subject our child to something like that. I would feel terrible if something happened to my husband causing our child to have to deal with losing their daddy. I lost my dad when I was 18 and it tore me up. 
I'm 30 and don't have any children. I knew when I married Bo that I probably wouldn't have one and I am ok with that. I would love to have his baby if the circumstances were different. I haven't told him my concerns yet because I know it's going to break his heart. :( Am I just crazy and over thinking everything? What would you do?