Breastfeeding hurts!

My baby is 3 weeks old and breastfeeding hurts! 
My nipples are constantly sore and are excruciating during feeds. 
I've asked 3 times to be referred to a lactation consultant. The first time in hospital but they said give it a few days because it always hurts at the start. 
The second time the just forgot to call them. 
Today I called directly and they said they'd call me back but they haven't.
I'm desperate for some help with this.  
I cringe every time I see hunger cues and I cry through every feeding session.
I've watch so many videos but I just can't seem to fix it. 
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Posted at
I agree. It hurts sometimes that I can't bear it. I am mainly pumping today to take a break, then tomorrow I will go back at it again. I have tried hot showers and creams, but still it hurts. I use a nipple shield too. There is no shame in taking a break for your sake! Pump for a day or two if that will help. There is no right or wrong way, do what's best for you and your baby. 


Posted at
I couldn't do the pain any more either. The location consultants kept telling me what to do but it didn't help so I'm pumping and we're all so much happier. 


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Maybe check to see if your baby is tongue tied too. My little guy is and it made my nipples hurt so bad!! We finally got a good groove with him doing a good latch. If he does a bad latch and it hurts my nipple, I will pump that side until it feels better.Also, lanolin helps! And I heard a nipple shield can be a lifesaver!Good luck!


Posted at
I had this for a while, it gets better eventually. ice packs and coconut oil after you nurse is what helped me get through it, also I would pump and feed him with a bottle for a few feeds to give my nipples a break


Posted at
If it hurts, you don't have a good latch. Try correcting the latch by getting baby to open mouth really wide like a yawn, get their chin then their bottom lip on your nipple and then as soon as the open wide, shove your nipple in their mouth. Another way to tell if it's a good or bad latch- look at your baby's cheek.. If you see his/her cheek sucking in like sucking on a straw, that's a bad latch. Hope this helped ! *mommy of a five week old breastfed baby* 


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Mine started hurting when I pumped too much and my boobs got a pump rash and every time she nursed it burned and I couldn't do it anymore. I waited a few days while using supplement formula now its all cleared up and she now can nurse again without it hurting. If you wanna take a little break its OK to supplement


Posted at
Is it your nipples or is it painful let downs? My nipples are not hurting now but my let downs can be painful esp when I'm really full. I've also figured out baby latches better if you wound some before feeding so your boobs aren't so hard and then the letdown won't drown them. Just some suggestions. This is my 4th time breastfeeding. 


Posted at
Try calling a lactation consultant again! Or find and call your local La Leche League leader. They're volunteers and very helpful. Definitely don't stop asking for help. You might also get your baby checked for tongue/lip tie, as that can make it more painful. I'm pretty sure the pain should be going down by three weeks, so please don't give up on trying to get help!


Anne • Jun 10, 2016
Some pediatricians know about tongue/lip tie but sometimes you have to go to a dentist for it. (Not all dentists do it either... I would google it.)


Posted at
Can you contact your Le Leche League in your area? They should be able to assist you without a referral. 


Posted at
Baby probably is not latching on good... You may need a lacyation consultant to help the baby latch and teach baby how to latch.. My consultant at the hospital taught mine how to latch and helped me too... My nipples are now fine baby is 4 wks  tomorrow .. My nipples are sore from pumping tho