Jealous sister in law part 2

Before the babies before the fighting, my boyfriend and I talked about the date for our wedding. He hasn't proposed to me due to money for a ring but he promised our date will be final. May the fourth for our Star Wars nerd. Well now sister in law who isn't married to his brother but been together for eight years is pregnant and I'm pregnant but the other then her being mean about me being pregnant apparently my wedding date is her due date. Now she's acting like I planned everything this way to take her thunder she says. His mom knows him and I had thiS date set so she helped vouched for me. But now his family is trying to get me to change the date. I'm guessing crazy sister in law complained to much and they don't wanna hear it. At first they kept saying you don't always  have your kid on the due date. But now I get comments on different dates when I see them. So annoying what do I do, or say to his family to not mean? They have alwAys and will always be nice to me just a nerve has been hit .