Please help!😭👫

Allie • Live so you never regret what you didn't do
So I hadn't had sex in about 9 months and last night my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time since we got back together. But it was completely different than I remember. When he first put it in it hurt SO bad. It felt like I was losing my virginity again, it felt like ripping and stretching. Is this just because I probably tightened back up since not having sex? Then, I used to love it when he went deep but when he tried it last night it hurt so bad that I started crying. We worked around it and tried a couple different positions and found one that worked better but when he finished and I went to the bathroom I was bleeding quite a bit... I just ended my period so there's no way it was my period and it didn't look like period blood it was Wayyyy more red. It's just kinda concerning and he's worried about me.. So I need some advice! The only thing that has changed is his dick has gotten a 1/2 inch bigger but that should make that much of a difference should it? HELP!