Fast, slow & scary

I was due on the 7th, the 8th I had a doctor appointment and had barely progressed to being dilated to a "1 with some wiggle" & 80% effaced (the previous to weeks I was also at a 1, and 80%.  I had doctor strip my membrane, and we scheduled an induction for the 12th, at 10pm.  The few days that followed my stripping, I had some bleeding, yet I still felt nothing, Friday the 10th was the play day I had mild period like cramps, that went away with repositioning.  I went to bed around 8:30, just felt like garbage, like I had a cold coming on or something.. 9pm, I heard a loud pop, and my whole body jolted.. And then I felt warm liquid pouring out of me.  I calmly walked to the living room to tell my husband I was going to take a quick shower, and then we were going to head to the hospital because my water broke.  While we were throwing last minute things in our bag, ready to walk out the door, he called the hospital to give them a heads up that we were on our way.. The nurse told him that if I wasn't feeling any contractions (which I wasn't) that we could stay home for up to 24 hours.. Thank God we didn't. 
In the 15 minute ride to the hospital, my crony actions started, 9 minutes apart, upon being checked into my room, they were already 3-4 minutes apart, I was still only dilated to a 1 with some wiggle.. And then quickly after that, less than a minute apart.. Around midnight my savior with the epidural showed up! All was well, I was told to try and get some shut eye, and at 5 they were going to give me pitocin.. Less than an hour later the fun started.. Baby's heart rate dropped and they lost it on the monitor, I was put on oxygen.  They were able to get a heartbeat bake, but it was still too low, my doctor arrived around 1 and determined I was dilated to a 4, put internal monitors on baby and started replacing my amniotic fluid with more fluid since I lost it too fast and baby wasn't progressing.  I was dilated to a 6, they had to monitor the fluids being pushed into my uterus, by what was leaking out.. All was well for a bit.. Doctor said we can give him time to try and come on his own again.. 5am it was determined that baby had given up, he had not progressed at all, and I was at an 8.  She said baby was too stressed, and just didn't want to come, and suggested a c-section, which I quickly agreed too.. 6:03, my little boy reluctantly came into this world, man.. Hearing him cry was the best sound in the world! They handed him to my husband and he was sitting next to me, it was amazing!  Everything was perfect.. Right???
I spiked a fever of 102, baby was born with a fever of 103.. My amniotic fluid had an infection.. 
When I got back to my room, I was informed that baby was having issues with his blood gas levels, and he had a pneumothorax.. Being at a small hospital, they said he might have to be transferred to a hospital with a NICU, again., I agreed.. What ever is medically necessary, I want.. As long as he is getting the attention he deserves!  11am, the transport team shows up, and thankfully, my boy has already shown improvement! He doesn't have to go all the way to their hospital, but they do suggest him still going to a NICU, just one that's closer.. I agreed.  Before they left, they wheeled him into see me (first time since the OR) and he looked content and perfect.  The transport team called me when they arrived, and said doctor would call to update me soon.  Doctor called with great news a few hours later.. He mad huge improvements on the 45 minute drive to the hospital, and big improvements since being there.  He was no longer on a bi-pap machine, just on a regular nasal cannula, and O2 flow liter was decreased! And his pneumothorax was already smaller on chest X-ray! He will still have to stay there for 3-4 days, hopefully I will be discharged soon.. I have yet to hold my baby! 😕 
 Apparently this is not too uncommon with full term babies born via C-section.. Now they are just pumping me full of antibiotics.. All seems to be good.. Finally! I'm just so happy he's doing better! 
Axel Nicholas 💙
8lbs 11oz
20.5" long
@6:03am 6/11/16