Miscarried :(

I was supposed to be 8 weeks pregnant going to my first official appointment when I started bleeding right before I went in the office, I was sent to the ER and Doctor saw no baby in the ultrasound. I went again 2 days later for blood work and y quant levels were very low which means miscarriage but I don't know if I have miscarried already As I have been bleeding for three days now, does anyone know the process of a miscarriage? How do I know if it's over? My follow up appointment isn't for two more days
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Posted at
I'm so sorry for your lose god bless you!


Posted at
Hi, when I miscarried the first four days were the heaviest. The bleeding did keep going for about a month and I had some heavy bleeding in that time. I would advise to be prepared and have a stash of heavy pads. I am really sorry for your loss. I know how difficult I found this experience. Take care of yourself and believe that you will have a healthy baby at some point xxx


Posted at
I had a miscarriage around 7 wks and i bled almost like a regular period but a bit heavier for about the same length as a period everyone can be different though, they should check your levels again to make sure they are way under 50...as 50 or above are positive for pregnancy of they continue to stay above you may need a procedure called a d&c to clean baby out of your body


Jennifer • Jun 12, 2016
i cannot remember because i was doing ivf i think it may have been a month later I'm not for sure


Jennifer • Jun 12, 2016
Thank you so much, this helps a lot. Did you get your period soon after?


Posted at
I'm so sorry to read that you miscarried. I have no advice, just wanting to wish you lots of strength.


Jennifer • Jun 12, 2016
Thank you so much


Posted at
I'm so sorry sweetie. I've had four my self. And its taken me anywhere from three to seven days to pass everything.


Jennifer • Jun 12, 2016
Thank you. I'm on day four and the bleeding is very light now.