Deteriorating state of mind

I have always been extremely critical of myself and my views of others. Growing up I viewed this as a perfectionist trait and thought it's better to be a perfectionist because I will be very determined and strong headed. I've been at university for three years and I have gained a lot of weight and fallen in and out of diets, growing up I was never overweight, I was active and heavily involved in my academics. 
I feel throughout these three years I have slipped as a person and this perfectionist trait was really low self esteem and a harsh critical viewing of myself. 
I'm worried because I find myself struggling to go out, I get anxious being invited to social gatherings and needing to know every detail. I fear that I'll be "that fat chick". I feel I don't fit into the social norms and this in turn has had a greater affect on my social skills. I struggle going to shops or out to lunch and even going through druve-thrus can be hard. 
It sucks because I find myself over analysing everything and i fear and feel I'm a nuisance to my friends and family. I find myself in situations where if we plan going out to dinner I stress for days on how I will look and dress and not in a "I can't wait to wear this" or excited girly squeals of "what will I wear", but instant panic that gets me worked up and my heart rate rises and I feel myself getting emotional and my chest gets tight and I grind my teeth. 
I'm studying to be a high school teacher and recognise what low self esteem in adolescents are, I'm contemplating whether or not I should speak out to my parents about this and discuss speaking to a professional.
I'm worried and concerned that they'll laugh because I've had two failed diets as of late in the last three years and I feel that it'll become a circle, "oh she's trying to lose weight again". I didn't want to sit on google and research on whether or not I had a low self esteem problem, I've taken pyschology  courses I understand the theory behind it, I don't want to self diagnose myself with anything. I didn't know where else to go so I thought maybe I tried <a href="">Eve</a>. 
Should I talk about seeing a psychologist? Does anyone else think this is normal?