My Birth Story

Beginning at week 36 I started having contractions and not just little ones, big strong 5-6minute apart lasting for hours at a time contractions. I would call my doula and a more than a few times we would think it was time call the OB and head to the hospital. Each time I was sent home and the contractions would suddenly just stop. At 38 weeks I got the Flu and was hospitalized for a week. I have asthma and I needed breathing treatments around the clock, my iron dropped so low they were considering a transfusion and I was so dehydrated my blood pressure was in the toilet even after 5 liters of fluid. I was so thankful that I didn't have any contractions during this time . I felt so horribly sick. At 39 weeks I didn't feel sick but I still felt so exhausted and was having issues with my breathing. At 39 weeks 6days  I went to my doctor for my weekly appointment. I hadn't had any contractions since week 37 and being that my son was born at 42 + 1 weeks I figured this one was going to be late too. Imagine my surprise when he looked at me and said well you're 7 vm dilated and almost completely effaced it's time to go to the hospital. I wanted an all natural birth and didn't want to be induced but my OB said that it was time bc if my water broke at home or good solid contractions started I may not make it to the hospital. I called my doula and my husband but first I stopped to have dinner because I knew they wouldn't let me eat in the hospital and I was hungry! I got to the hospital at about 5pm and was admitted. They broke my water at about 6 and we waited. And waited. I had a few contractions here and there but nothing major. I was just chilling with everyone trying to get everything going when out of nowhere I had a major asthma attack. I was gasping for air and coughing so hard that I was starting to throw up. The hospital staff was great they got me breathing treatments and oxygen. The attack passed and I felt better but I was exhausted. It was now 11pm and they came in and told me that since just breaking my water didn't work we would have to start pitocin. I was so disappointed at this time they started to talk to me about an epidural. I had wanted a totally natural birth but my dr and my doula felt that due to how exhausted I was from the asthma attack that I should get the epidural so if I had prolonged labor or pushing I would have the energy to get through it. I was disappointed but I knew it was the right thing to do. I got my epidural and pitocin was started at  1130pm. I felt fine and had no pain at all. They had to up the pitocin a few times and at 1240 my contractions became strong and regular. I felt the pressure but had no pain. At 120am I said I needed to push. The dr came in and said yes it's time. 4 pushes later at 125am on her due date Willow Riley arrived at 8lbs and 19inches long. We are totally in love :)