How can I speed up labor?

Diana • 20 y/o. Mommy to a beautiful baby boy named Jason, pregnant with baby #2 due Sep 2018.
I never in a million years thought I'd be wanting to go into labor so bad but in 3 days I will be 40 weeks and I'm 2 1/2 cm 90% effaced and I'm so sick of this already. I don't want to take anything, I just want to know what I can physically do (besides walking) to hurry this up... Please help a desperate pregnant girl out 💙💗 Thanks 💗💙
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Sex, red raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on exercise ball...the key is not getting your adrenaline pumping. You don't have long. Relax and let that oxytocin kick in. 


Diana • Jun 12, 2016
Thank you!


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following lol